
Drakengard 3 mikhail human
Drakengard 3 mikhail human

One: What do you know! You disturb the peace, and kill your own sisters bound by blood… Is that how…Is that how you plan to save the world on your own? Even if it means shredding the last of this Utautai life in the process! Come! Zero! One: I……I……I’m standing here because I’ve prepared to meet the same fate. I think the lines before this particular few are important, too, as it shows exactly why One is so angry: The following was originally from the TGS trailer but actually takes place after Mikhail is dead and One starts getting desperate in the following battle. One: This is what happens because you thought you could be the only one to either curse or save this world! They’ve both since lost a dear loved one, and it just fuels their rage: Then I love the moment later in the fight, after Mikhail dies, Zero’s all like “Nooo, Mikhail!! AHHHH!!” and One is like, “What do you know of suffering?” I *totally* see One referring to the death of Gabriella here. One: Zero……Of course, you must know, that in order to kill an Utautai, you need the power of a dragon!Īt this point, I think One is completely committed to her all-out attack on Zero, whereas in the fight before she sounded a bit unsure and helpless toward the situation. Then One starts getting pissed and losing her cool after Abdiel is destroyed: Zero: Despite being a forged existence, man, aren’t you stupid? One: But, for whatever reason, I always thought……we could come to an understanding. One: ……That’s just like you, Zero, pretending to be the bad guy. One: We were both rejected by this world, we share the same feeling of danger, but still… We still fight to kill each other in the end. During the initial fight with Abdiel, One reminisces how unfortunate it is that they must fight: I also think that battle quickly escalated into that all-out battle to the death. After you kill all of us for the sake of world, you plan on dying yourself, don’t you?

drakengard 3 mikhail human

Soon, the entire human race will be annihilated. One: The existence of us Utautai will only bring evil to this world. In the original Japanese, she doesn’t specifically mention “saving the world” per say, but it’s pretty close enough: Perhaps some of those residual feelings has seeped into this scene. She learns about the Flower but cannot understand much more about the purpose of their existence. Of course, One has been reading about the history of the Cathedral City, the people who apparently disappeared, and the magic as it relates to the Utautai.

drakengard 3 mikhail human

Perhaps she thinks that she still has a chance to reason with or defeat Zero and thusly save the world from ultimate destruction. One perceives the path Zero is following to kill her sisters will throw the world into chaos once more… I don’t believe One wishes to see the world be destroyed and yet she’s beginning to see that there is no way around dealing with Zero. If One wants to save the world, why does she say “Let us sing unto the world’s end” in the prologue?

Drakengard 3 mikhail human